Monday, May 9, 2016

Comedy Open Mic - 5-9-16 - The Union Club

I've spent the last few months here in Missoula, hitting open mic nights and singing and playing and all around having a good time.  I recently had a new challenge though.

My sister's husband's brother's niece in law twice removed I guess, is involved in a comedy troupe here in town, and was hosting a comedy open mic last Thursday.  Cinco De Mayo...big party night.  Lot's of people out.  At the Union Club...big party bar.  Lot's of people.

She hadn't come to see me in my music open mics, but remembers a few time in my sister's back yard when my nephew and I would whup out our guitars and sing a few raunchy and funny songs, so she assumed that that's all I did.

My stuff at the music open mics is often funny.  But only because you don't expect it to be.

At a comedy night, people are expecting it, and daring you.

It's a whole different ball game.

It went pretty good though.  And I'm glad Krysta afforded me the challenge.

At music nights, you are given a certain number of songs you can do (2 or 3) or they give you a time limit (20-30 minutes)  At comedy night I had 3-4 minutes.  3-4 minutes to get up there, let the audience know who I was, set up my POV, set up the jokes and then tell them.

It was a blur, but I remember them laughing.  It was good.

I remembered the old Fozzie Bear axiom of show business, "Make it louder.  And funnier." and applied it to my usual shtick.  I just made it louder and funnier.

Talk to you soon.

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